Sunday, 13 September 2009

farewelling friends and working on the oceania series

Last Saturday I did some more work on the snapper painting in oils after a trip out gatehring different kinds of seaweed to use 1. as a mulch on the garden 2. to create seaweed tea to water the plants with and 3. to use as a resource for finishing the snapper painting.

Some of the weeds were stunning - all collected fromt he beach where they were washed up so environmentally friendly gathering expedition - check out this scarlet coloured weed resting on the beach sand...

Also used some of the items collected when beachcombing for the inspriation behind painting up an old tyre which i have now filled with soil and planted pumpkins into...

Other news - my dear friend Cecilia left yesterday - this is her in front of a photo i took of her and the baby earlier in the year. Her husband has been relocated with work - has not quite sunk in that they have left yet - a lovely Christian couple whom quickly became part of my heart.

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