I amINSPIRED and so glad about that because it has given me something to focus on and take my mind off this crippling pain.
Something I just learned from the ME/CFS newsletter is that...
...2. Suffering from ME/CFS is equal to late stage AIDS, patients undergoing chemotherapy and patients with multiple sclerosis. (
At the moment I can quite believe that, as my body has packed a complete 'sad' BUT my brain is quite occupied with thoughts of my next projects now that the exhibition is 'up' in Whangerei and the art co-op has opened (it's opening today but I am not well enough to attend as am having only a few minutes up each time at the moment)
I have five projects currently simmering away in the mental pot. (eg thought process)
1. A painting project called 'Stories of the North' which will incorporate visual and written art around stories relating to this area and the people in it (I will be working on this one for a year at least)
2. A photographic expose on Tangata Whiora to open in conjunction with MH awareness week in October (putting in funding applications for this at the end of the week hopefully and have a gallery considering running the exhibition at present as part of their community mindedness ethos. Everyone I have spoken to so far are very interested in the project and keen to see it go ahead. It also will be quite a major affair logistically as will involve photo shoots on location. And facilitating framers and at the end of the exhibition I would like to be able gift the whaiora with their photographs so there is no money in it but it is a way of giving something back. Possibly also there might be a book and a calandar if the work is done right. That would help fund the materials for the next one I undertake.
3. I also want to do some work promoting local artists (incl me) and their work and in order to achieve this an opportunity has come up for free training in how to do this so I have just emailed my keeness to do this as I can see how it will help with not only this project but the other projects I have for in the future also. I like to do things 'right' and be comfortable and competent in my work, especially where it involves others so this training would be such an asset.
4.My friend has a batch at the beach she has said OK to going out and painting in- no water or electricity or loo but as a studio space on occasions it will be great. Going out there next week if I can get some time of wellness in which to do so.
5. I need to finish my self portrait and the next one is one of my Dad with Aoraki Mt Cook in the background as he loves this area so much and spends much time tramping and hiking up there.
Prob I should set some prioties for all this work!!!
Today I am hoping to be able to have some time to work on the commission piece again - it's been soaking in the bath for the last three days as I have been unable to lift the board to stretch the paper on - hopefully I will get an undestanding visitor today that I can cajole into stretching the paper for me. The down side of disability is sometimes you have to wait for someone to arrive to assist you.
Ooo - so excited because yesterday I found some handmade paper from years ago when I was tutoring literacy with IHC (they have a paper mill and taught me how to make it- I still have 6 of the sheets I made) and am really keen to see what it is like as a painting support. I've seen some nice work done on hand made paper so think it will be fun to have a 'play' and see how it responds to paint.