Hooray - APT have confirmed that is OK for us to go and set up on Friday Morning so today is finishing of labels, printing out and packaging greeting cards to sell and designing a 2009 photographic calendar of my work that people can pre-order at the exhibition. Tomorrow I have hydrotherapy at 10 then all the paintings

need to be wrapped snugly and everything boxed up and loaded into Sandy's car ready for the next morning when we leave at 7am! At present
the studio/lounge looks chaotic but is is semi organised chaos so that's fine. Thankfully Peter is arriving this afternoon so maybe he will help with packaging the cards as that is something I find incredibally difficult to do as my hands get the shakes.{Post Note - did not get done as for some reason no yellow ink is coming through my pinter!}
Also spent some time at the new building for the Art-co-op with the clean up crew - There's a great website called FLYLADY.COM which talks you through getting your house sorted so I used her tips and used car cleaner to make the sink and benches sparkle (they look beautiful). Still a bit to go before the premesis is ready but there's another working bee down there today then a meeting on Saturday so it is looking promising. The one person who was causing a bit of dissention has opted to not be a part of it and says we will fail. YAY for us! Now only like minded people in the co-op who are fired up and keen as mustard! I think he just had a different vision than it being a place to support and provide opportunities for artists and promote their work. He saw it more of a commercial venture which it is not really although that will be a part of it.
The bonus is Sandy and I came home with carpet underlay to pack between our paintings as we lifted out the old carpet so YAY for us!!!!!
OK - Pic time - rolling up the old carpet (I've got brushes in my hair because was going to be painting the door frames where the white paint had chipped but I didn't last that long so hoping to be well enough to go down today and do it.)